Issues for a subscription

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Subscription information for Julgar

The current subscription began on 2007-01-01 and is issued for

The first subscription was started on 2024-04-27

The subscription expired on 2024-04-27

Biblioteca de Direito

Subscription information for Julgar

The current subscription began on 2022-11-01 and is issued for 12 issues

The first subscription was started on 2024-04-27

The subscription expired on 2026-11-01

Biblioteca de Direito

Available issues

N.º 42 (Set./Dez. 2020); N.º 43 (Jan./Abr. 2021); N.º 44 (Maio/Ag. 2021); N.º 45 (Set./Dez. 2021); N.º 46 (Jan./Abr. 2022); N.º 47 (Maio/Ag. 2022); N.º 48 (Set./Dez. 2022); N.º 49 (Jan./Abr. 2023); N.º 50 (Maio/Ag. 2023); N.º 51 (Set./Dez. 2023); N.º 52 (Jan./Abr. 2024)

Subscription information for Julgar

The current subscription began on 2007-01-12 and is issued for

The first subscription was started on 2024-04-27

The subscription expired on 2024-04-27