Resilience and transformation in the territories of low demographic density : studies in honnour of Prof. José Bayolo Pacheco de Amorim, on ocassion of the establishment of the UNESCO-IPT Chair on Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management / ed. Luiz Oosterbeek. Laurent Caron

Resilience and transformation in the territories of low demographic density : studies in honnour of Prof. José Bayolo Pacheco de Amorim, on ocassion of the establishment of the UNESCO-IPT Chair on Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management / ed. Luiz Oosterbeek. Laurent Caron . - Mação : Instituto Terra e Memória, 2019- . - v. 23 cm . - (Arkeos; 48) . -
Vol.1 : pref. Eugénio Pina de Almeida. - 2019. - 240 p. : il.
978-989-54041-4-8 (v.1) Brochado
