The definitive journals of Lewis & Clark / ed. Gary E. Moulton ; assistant ed. Thomas W. Dunlay

The definitive journals of Lewis & Clark / ed. Gary E. Moulton ; assistant ed. Thomas W. Dunlay . - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, imp. 2001 . - 8 v. : il. 23 cm . -
vol.2 : From the Ohio to the Vermillion. - imp. 2002. - X, 612 pvol.3 : Up the Missouri to Fort Mandan. - cop. 1987. - IX, 544 pvol.4 : From Fort Mandan to Three Forks. - IX. 464 pvol.5 : Through the Rockies to the Cascades. - XI, 415 pvol.6 : Down the Columbia to Ford Clatsop. - XII, 531 pvol.7 : From the Pacific to the Rockies. - X, 383 pvol.8 : Over the Rockies to St. Louis. - X, 456 p.
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