Engel,, Paul G. H. Facilitating innovation for development [Multimédia] : a RAAKS resource box / Paul G. H. Engel and Monique L. Salomon

Facilitating innovation for development [Multimédia] : a RAAKS resource box / Paul G. H. Engel and Monique L. Salomon . - Amsterdam : Royal Tropical Institute, cop. 1997 . - 1 multimédia em invólucro 25x17x3 cm . -
1 livro : The social organization of innovation : a focus on stakeholder interaction / Paul G. H. Engel. - 239 p1 manual : Networking for innovation : a participatory actor-oriented methodology / Monique L. Salomon, Paul G. H. Engel. - 78 p. : ilFichas : Windows and Tools. - [41] fichas
90-6832-109-9 (Obra completa)
