Finite difference methodsSolution of equations in RnFinite element methodsFinite element methodsNumerical methods for solidsTechniques of scientific computingNumerical methods for solidsSolutions of equations in RnNumerical methods for solidsNumerical methods for fluidsSolution of equations in RnTechniques of scientific computing Handbook of numerical analysis / ed. P. G. Ciarlet, J. L. Lions

Handbook of numerical analysis / ed. P. G. Ciarlet, J. L. Lions . - Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1992-19-- . - v. 25 cm . -
vol.1 : Finite difference methods, part 1 ; Solution of equations in Rn, part 1. - imp. 1992. - VI, 652 pvol.2 : Finite element methods, part 1. - imp. 1993. - IX, 928 pvol.3 : Techniques of scientific computing, part 1 ; Numerical methods for solids, part 1 ; Solutions of equations in Rn, part 2. - cop. 1994. - IX, 778 pvol.4 : Finite element methods, part 2 ; Numerical methods for solids, part 2. - 1996. - X, 974 pvol.5 : Tecniques os scientific computing, part 2. - 1997. - X, 818 pvol.6 : Numerical methods for solids, part 3 ; Numerical methods for fluids part 1. - X, 688 pvol.7 : Solution of equations in Rn (parte 3) ; Techniques of scientific computing (Parte 3). - X, 1020 p.
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