International Geological Congress,, 21, Petrographic provinces, igneous and metamorphic rocksMinerals and genesis of pegmatitesStructure of the earth's crust and deformation of rocks Report of the twenty-first session, Norden : Debmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, 1960 / International Geological Congress ; ed. Theodor Sorgenfrei

Report of the twenty-first session, Norden : Debmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, 1960 / International Geological Congress ; ed. Theodor Sorgenfrei . - Copenhagen : Det Berlingske Bogtrykkeri, 1960-19-- . - v. 24 cm . -
part 13 : Petrographic provinces, igneous and metamorphic rocks / ed. Chr. Oftedahl, S. Hjelmqvist. - 1960. - 451 p. : ilpart 17 : Minerals and genesis of pegmatites / ed. H. Neumann, K. Neuvonen. - 1960. - 136 p. : ilpart 18 : Structure of the earth's crust and deformation of rocks / ed. A. Kvale, A. Metzger. - 1960. - 454 p. : ilpart 26 : Supplementary volume. - 1961. - 133 p. : il.