WINTERTON, Jonathan CEDEFOP. Typology of knowledge, skills and competences: clarification of the concept and prototype / Jonathan Winterton ; Françoise Delamare ; Emma Stringfellow ; Cedefop

Typology of knowledge, skills and competences: clarification of the concept and prototype / Jonathan Winterton ; Françoise Delamare ; Emma Stringfellow ; Cedefop . - Luxembourg : O.P.O.C.E, 2006 . - 131 p. : il. gráf. e tabelas, color. 25 cm . - (Cedefop Reference; 64)
aquisição de conhecimentos - 2006
reciclagem profissional - 2006
formação profissional - 2006
estudo de casos - 2006
reconhecimento dos estudos - 2006

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