Conference "Landscape and imagination - towards a new baseline for education in a changing world", Landscape & imagination : towards a new baseline for education in a changing world / Conference... ; ed. Conor Newman, Yann Nussaume, Bas Pedroli ; [colab.] with Pascal Aubry ... [et al.] ; ed. coord. Tessa Goodmann

Landscape & imagination : towards a new baseline for education in a changing world / Conference... ; ed. Conor Newman, Yann Nussaume, Bas Pedroli ; [colab.] with Pascal Aubry ... [et al.] ; ed. coord. Tessa Goodmann . - Pisa : Bandecchi & Vivaldi, cop. 2013 . - 718 p. : il. 30 cm
978-88-8341-548-7 Brochado
