Nações Unidas., Department of Economic and Social Affairs., Population Division Comprehensive tablesThe sex and age distribution of the world populationAnalytical report World population prospects : the 2002=2002 revision / United Nations Secretariat. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division

World population prospects : the 2002=2002 revision / United Nations Secretariat. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division . - New York : United Nations, 2003-20-- . - v. 28 cm . -
vol.1 : Comprehensive tables. - 2003. - LXXXIII, 781 pvol.2 : The sex and age distribution of the world population. - 2003. - LXXXIII, 939 pvol.3 : Analytical report. - 2004. - LXXXIII, 261 p.
92-1-151378-2 (v.1)92-1-151379-0 (v.2)92-1-151381-2 (v.3) Brochados