Ervin,, Jane Reading comprehension in varied subject matter : social studies, literature, mathematics, science, the arts, philosophy, logic, and language, combined subjects / Jane Ervin

Reading comprehension in varied subject matter : social studies, literature, mathematics, science, the arts, philosophy, logic, and language, combined subjects / Jane Ervin . - Cambridge : Educators Publishing Service, 1998-1999 . - 6 v. 28 cm . -
vol.1 : imp. 1999. - 101 pvol.2 : imp. 1999. - 106 pvol.3 : imp. 1999. - 97 p. : ilvol.4 : imp. 1998. - 93 p. : ilvol.5 : imp. 1999. - 97 p. : ilvol.6 : imp. 1999. - 93 p.
0-8388-0600-7 (v.1)0-8388-0601-5 (v.2)0-8388-0602-3 (v.3)0-8388-0603-1 (v.4)0-8388-0604-X (v.5)0-8388-0605-8 (v.6) (Brochados)
