International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology,, 7, Proceedings = =Comptes-rendus / Seventh International Congress, International Association of Engineering Geology

Proceedings = =Comptes-rendus / Seventh International Congress, International Association of Engineering Geology . - Rotterdam : A.A. Balkema, 1994 . - 6 v. : il. 25 cm . -
vol.1 : LXXXVII, 406 pvol.2 : XVI, p. 407-1273vol.3 : XXXVII, p. 1277-2346vol.4 : XXXII, 2349-3139vol.5 : LI, p. 3143-4133vol.6 : LXXV, p. 4137-4922
90-5410-503-8 (Obra completa) Brochado
